Saying Goodbye
Saying goodbye to a loved one is a sad event.
Saying goodbye to a loved one is a difficult moment in everyone’s life. And while arranging the actual farewell, you have to think about a lot of important details. Rosarium has years of experience in supporting the farewell and ensures that everything is arranged for you down to the last detail. You can gather with family and friends to give them the opportunity to offer condolences and to remember the person who was so important to all of you. Naturally, we always provide tailor-made farewells. It is precisely that personal attention that is so important during the day. Our team is happy to think along with you about how you can plan the afternoon or evening. We would like to invite you for a personal meeting to discuss your special requests. Naturally, the funeral director is very welcome.
Uiteraard leveren wij te allen tijd maatwerk voor het afscheid. Juist die persoonlijke aandacht is zó belangrijk tijdens de dag. Ons team denkt graag met mee hoe u de (mid)dag of avond kunt vormgeven. Graag nodigen wij u uit voor een persoonlijk gesprek. Uiteraard is de uitvaartondernemer hierbij van harte welkom.